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PhD defense Anton Schreuder

PhD defense Anton Schreuder

Anton Schreuder will defend his PhD thesis with the title 'Lung cancer screening: use the scan to decide who to scan when' on the 6th of April at 12.30.

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Academic Alliance grant for development of Mohs surgery AI tool

Academic Alliance grant for development of Mohs surgery AI tool

The Academic Alliance Fund of Radboudumc and Maastricht UMC+ awarded Geert Litjens, Daan Geijs, Avital Amir, Lisa Hillen, Veronique Winnepenninckx and Nicole Kelleners a grant of 100,000 euros for their project proposal entitled: ‘Mohs chirurgy supported by artificial intelligence; better, faster, cheaper’.

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Final presentations second AI for Health course

Final presentations second AI for Health course

Friday, February 12, 2021, the second edition of the AI for Health course concluded with a meeting where all participants presented the results of their AI projects. The course was followed by about 25 RadboudUMC employees from various backgrounds, offering them a deep dive into the possibilities of AI in …

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Successful PhD defense Sarah van Riel

Successful PhD defense Sarah van Riel

Sarah van Riel successfully defended her PhD thesis titled 'Malignancy risk estimation of screen-detected pulmonary nodules: validation of current management recommendations' on the 9th of December.

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PhD defense Midas Meijs

PhD defense Midas Meijs

Midas Meijs successfully defended his PhD thesis titled 'Automated Image Analysis and Machine Learning to Detect Cerebral Vascular Pathology in 4D-CTA' on the 26th of November.

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PhD defense Sarah van Riel

PhD defense Sarah van Riel

Sarah van Riel will defend her PhD thesis with the title 'Malignancy risk estimation of screen-detected pulmonary nodules: validation of current management recommendations' on 9th of December at 13.30.

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PhD defense Midas Meijs

PhD defense Midas Meijs

Midas Meijs will defend his PhD thesis with the title, "Automated Image Analysis and Machine Learning to Detect Cerebral Vascular Pathology in 4D-CTA" on 26th of November at 15.30.

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