Publications of Anindo Saha


Papers in conference proceedings

  1. A. Saha, F. Tushar, K. Faryna, V. D'Anniballe, R. Hou, M. Mazurowski, G. Rubin and J. Lo, "Weakly Supervised 3D Classification of Chest CT using Aggregated Multi-Resolution Deep Segmentation Features", Medical Imaging, 2020;11314:39 - 44.
    Abstract DOI arXiv
  2. A. Saha, M. Hosseinzadeh and H. Huisman, "Encoding Clinical Priori in 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection in bpMRI", Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS Workshop - 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
    Abstract arXiv Cited by ~6
  3. A. Saha, P. Prasad and A. Thabit, "Leveraging Adaptive Color Augmentation in Convolutional Neural Networks for Deep Skin Lesion Segmentation", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2020:2014-2017.
    Abstract DOI arXiv

Master theses

  1. A. Saha, M. Hosseinzadeh and H. Huisman, "Computer-Aided Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in mpMRI", Master thesis, 2020.
    Abstract Url