Publications of Anton Schreuder
Papers in international journals
- A. Schreuder, B. van Ginneken, E. Scholten, C. Jacobs, M. Prokop, N. Sverzellati, S. Desai, A. Devaraj and C. Schaefer-Prokop, "Classification of CT Pulmonary Opacities as Perifissural Nodules: Reader Variability", Radiology, 2018;288(3):867-875.
- A. Schreuder, C. Schaefer-Prokop, E. Scholten, C. Jacobs, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Lung cancer risk to personalise annual and biennial follow-up computed tomography screening", Thorax, 2018;73(7):626-633.
- A. Schreuder, C. Jacobs, L. Gallardo-Estrella, C. and Schaefer-Prokop, W. Fukumoto, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Normalized emphysema score progression: An improved CT biomarker for mortality", Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, 2018.
- A. Schreuder, C. Schaefer-Prokop, E. Scholten, D. Lynch, J. Charbonnier and C. Jacobs, "Perifissural nodule count as a biomarker for COPD GOLD stages and emphysema measurements?", European Societies of Cardiovascular Radiology and Thoracic Imaging Joint Meeting, 2018.
- A. Schreuder, B. van Ginneken, E. Scholten, C. Jacobs, M. Prokop, N. Sverzellati, S. Desai, A. Devaraj and C. Schaefer-Prokop, "What is a perifissural nodule? Low inter-observer agreement in NLST data", European Societies of Cardiovascular Radiology and Thoracic Imaging joint meeting, 2018.
- A. Schreuder, C. Jacobs, N. Lessmann, E. Scholten, I. Isgum, M. Prokop, C. Schaefer-Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Improved Lung Cancer and Mortality Prediction Accuracy Using Survival Models Based on Semi-Automatic CT Image Measurements", World Conference on Lung Cancer, 2018.