Publications of Colin Jacobs


Papers in international journals

  1. A. Setio, C. Jacobs, J. Gelderblom and B. van Ginneken, "Automatic detection of large pulmonary solid nodules in thoracic CT images", Medical Physics, 2015;42(10):5642-5653.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~140
  2. S. van Riel, C. Sánchez, A. Bankier, D. Naidich, J. Verschakelen, E. Scholten, P. de Jong, C. Jacobs, E. van Rikxoort, L. Peters-Bax, M. Snoeren, M. Prokop, B. van Ginneken and C. Schaefer-Prokop, "Observer Variability for Classification of Pulmonary Nodules on Low-Dose CT Images and Its Effect on Nodule Management", Radiology, 2015;277(3):863-871.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~159
  3. M. Winkler Wille, S. van Riel, Z. Saghir, A. Dirksen, J. Pedersen, C. Jacobs, L. Thomsen, E. Scholten, L. Skovgaard and B. van Ginneken, "Predictive Accuracy of the PanCan Lung Cancer Risk Prediction Model -External Validation based on CT from the Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial", European Radiology, 2015;25:3093-3099.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~69
  4. B. Lassen, C. Jacobs, J. Kuhnigk, B. van Ginneken and E. van Rikxoort, "Robust semi-automatic segmentation of pulmonary subsolid nodules in chest computed tomography scans", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2015;60(3):1307-1323.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~78
  5. C. Jacobs, E. van Rikxoort, E. Scholten, P. de Jong, M. Prokop, C. Schaefer-Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Solid, Part-Solid, or Non-solid?: Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in Low-Dose Chest Computed Tomography by a Computer-Aided Diagnosis System", Investigative Radiology, 2015;50(3):168-173.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~47
  6. E. Scholten, P. de Jong, B. de Hoop, R. van Klaveren, S. van de Amelsvoort-van Vorst, M. Oudkerk, R. Vliegenthart, H. de Koning, C. van der Aalst, R. Vernhout, H. Groen, J. Lammers, B. van Ginneken, C. Jacobs, W. Mali, N. Horeweg, C. Weenink, E. Thunnissen, M. Prokop and H. Gietema, "Towards a close computed tomography monitoring approach for screen detected subsolid pulmonary nodules?", European Respiratory Journal, 2015;45(3):765-773.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~91
  7. F. Ciompi, C. Jacobs, E. Scholten, M. Winkler Wille, P. de Jong, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Bag of frequencies: a descriptor of pulmonary nodules in Computed Tomography images", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2015;34(4):1-12.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~54
  8. E. Scholten, P. de Jong, C. Jacobs, B. van Ginneken, S. van Riel, M. Willemink, R. Vliegenthart, M. Oudkerk, H. de Koning, N. Horeweg, M. Prokop, W. Mali and H. Gietema, "Interscan variation of semi-automated volumetry of subsolid pulmonary nodules", European Radiology, 2015;25(4):1040-1047.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~26
  9. E. Scholten, C. Jacobs, B. van Ginneken, S. van Riel, R. Vliegenthart, M. Oudkerk, H. de Koning, N. Horeweg, M. Prokop, H. Gietema, W. Mali and P. de Jong, "Detection and quantification of the solid component in pulmonary subsolid nodules by semiautomatic segmentation", European Radiology, 2015;25(2):488-496.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~58

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. F. Ciompi, C. Jacobs, E. Scholten, S. van Riel, M. Wille, M. Prokop and B. van Ginneken, "Automatic detection of spiculation of pulmonary nodules in Computed Tomography images", Medical Imaging, 2015;9414(941409).
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~6
  2. B. van Ginneken, A. Setio, C. Jacobs and F. Ciompi, "Off-the-shelf convolutional neural network features for pulmonary nodule detection in computed tomography scans", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2015:286-289.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~263
  3. A. Setio, C. Jacobs, F. Ciompi, S. van Riel, M. Wille, A. Dirksen, E. van Rikxoort and B. van Ginneken, "Computer-aided detection of lung cancer: combining pulmonary nodule detection systems with a tumor risk prediction model", Medical Imaging, 2015;9414(94141O).
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~4


  1. A. Ritchie, M. Tammemagi, C. Jacobs, W. Zhang, J. Mayo, H. Roberts, M. Gingras, S. Pasian, L. Stewart, S. Tsai, D. Manos, J. Seely, P. Burrowes, R. Bhatia, S. Atkar-Khattra, B. van Ginneken, M. Tsao and S. Lam, "Automated measurement of malignancy risk of lung nodule detected by screening computed tomography", World Conference on Lung Cancer, 2015.
  2. E. Scholten, C. Jacobs, B. van Ginneken, S. van Riel, R. Vliegenthart, M. Oudkerk, M. Prokop, H. Gietema and P. de Jong., "Detection and quantification of the solid component in pulmonary subsolid nodules by semiautomatic segmentation", European Congress of Radiology, 2015.
    Abstract Cited by ~58
  3. A. Ritchie, C. Sanghera, C. Jacobs, W. Zhang, J. Mayo, H. Roberts, M. Gingras, S. Pasian, L. Stewart, S. Tsai, D. Manos, J. Seely, P. Burrowes, R. Bhatia, S. Atkar-Khattra, B. van Ginneken, M. Tammemagi and S. Lam, "Computer Vision Tool and Technician as First Reader of Lung Cancer Screening CT", World Conference on Lung Cancer, 2015.

PhD theses

  1. C. Jacobs, "Automatic detection and characterization of pulmonary nodules in thoracic CT images", PhD thesis, 2015.
    Abstract Url Cited by ~1