Publications of Hans Pinckaers


Papers in international journals

  1. L. van Eekelen, H. Pinckaers, M. van den Brand, K. Hebeda and G. Litjens, "Using deep learning for quantification of cellularity and cell lineages in bone marrow biopsies and comparison to normal age-related variation.", Pathology, 2021.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~7
  2. K. Kartasalo, W. Bulten, B. Delahunt, P. Chen, H. Pinckaers, H. Olsson, X. Ji, N. Mulliqi, H. Samaratunga, T. Tsuzuki, J. Lindberg, M. Rantalainen, C. Wahlby, G. Litjens, P. Ruusuvuori, L. Egevad and M. Eklund, "Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Prostate Cancer in Biopsies-Current Status and Next Steps.", European Urology Focus, 2021;7(4):687-691.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~17
  3. H. Pinckaers, W. Bulten, J. der Van Laak and G. Litjens, "Detection of prostate cancer in whole-slide images through end-to-end training with image-level labels.", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~49

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. D. Geijs, H. Pinckaers, A. Amir and G. Litjens, "End-to-end classification on basal-cell carcinoma histopathology whole-slides images", Medical Imaging, 2021;11603:1160307.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~2