Publications of Henkjan Huisman


Papers in international journals

  1. G. Litjens, J. Barentsz, N. Karssemeijer and H. Huisman, "Clinical evaluation of a computer-aided diagnosis system for determining cancer aggressiveness in prostate MRI", European Radiology, 2015;25(11):3187-3199.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~57
  2. W. van de Ven, Y. Hu, J. Barentsz, N. Karssemeijer, D. Barratt and H. Huisman, "Biomechanical modeling constrained surface-based image registration for prostate MR guided TRUS biopsy", Medical Physics, 2015;42:2470-2481.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~16
  3. L. Reis\aeter , J. Fütterer, O. Halvorsen, Y. Nyg\r ard, M. Biermann, E. Andersen, K. Gravdal, S. Haukaas, J. Monssen, H. Huisman, L. Akslen, C. Beisland and J. R\orvik , "1.5-T multiparametric MRI using PI-RADS: a region by region analysis to localize the index-tumor of prostate cancer in patients undergoing prostatectomy", Acta Radiologica, 2015;56:500-511.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~44

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. M. Meijs, O. Debats and H. Huisman, "The evaluation of multi-structure, multi-atlas pelvic anatomy features in a prostate MR Lymphography CAD system", Medical Imaging, 2015;9414:94140T.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~2

PhD theses

  1. G. Litjens, "Computerized detection of cancer in multi-parametric prostate MRI", PhD thesis, 2015.
    Abstract Url

Other publications

  1. E. Gibson, H. Huisman and D. Barratt, "Statistical Power in Image Segmentation: Relating Sample Size to Reference Standard Quality", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015:105-113.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~1