Publications of Kevin Koschmieder


Papers in international journals

  1. M. Meijs, S. Pegge, M. Vos, A. Patel, S. van de Leemput, K. Koschmieder, M. Prokop, F. Meijer and R. Manniesing, "Cerebral Artery and Vein Segmentation in Fourdimensional CT Angiography Using Convolutional Neural Networks", Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, 2020;2(4):e190178.
    Abstract DOI Cited by ~9

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. K. Faryna, K. Koschmieder, M. Paul, T. van den Heuvel, A. van der Eerden, R. Manniesing and B. van Ginneken, "Adversarial cycle-consistent synthesis of cerebral microbleeds for data augmentation", Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS Workshop - 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020.
    Abstract arXiv Cited by ~2