Publications of Nico Karssemeijer
Papers in international journals
- W. Sanderink, L. Strobbe, P. Bult, M. Schlooz-Vries, S. Lardenoije, D. Venderink, I. Sechopoulos, N. Karssemeijer, W. Vreuls and R. Mann, "Minimally invasive breast cancer excision using the breast lesion excision system under ultrasound guidance", Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2020;184:37-43.
- W. Sanderink, M. Caballo, L. Strobbe, P. Bult, W. Vreuls, D. Venderink, I. Sechopoulos, N. Karssemeijer and R. Mann, "Reliability of MRI tumor size measurements for minimal invasive treatment selection in small breast cancers", European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2020;46:1463-1470.
- J. van Zelst, T. Tan, R. Mann and N. Karssemeijer, "Validation of radiologists' findings by computer-aided detection (CAD) software in breast cancer detection with automated 3D breast ultrasound: a concept study in implementation of artificial intelligence software", Acta Radiologica, 2020;61(3):312-320.
Papers in conference proceedings
- E. García, Y. Diez, A. Oliver, N. Karssemeijer, J. Martí, R. Martí and O. Diaz, "Evaluation of elastic parameters for breast compression using a MRI-mammography registration approach", 15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI2020), 2020.
- C. Balta, A. Rodriguez-Ruiz, C. Mieskes, N. Karssemeijer and S. Heywang-Köbrunner, "Going from double to single reading for screening exams labeled as likely normal by AI: what is the impact?", 15th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI2020), 2020.
- W. Sanderink, J. Teuwen, L. Appelman, I. Sechopoulos, N. Karssemeijer and R. Mann, "Simultaneous multi-slice single-shot DWI compared to routine read-out-segmented DWI for evaluation of breast lesions", ISMRM Benelux, 2020.
PhD theses
- M. Balkenhol, "Tissue-based biomarker assessment for predicting prognosis of triple negative breast cancer: the additional value of artificial intelligence", PhD thesis, 2020.